This is an FDE FN Five Seven MK3 with optics cut for sale. It's pretty much brand new. I have 30 rounds fired through it and I just bought it a week ago. It comes with the case and the box and everything with it except the manual.
After shooting it, I realized it's not what I wanted. It's double the size of my P365 X Macro and is a very bulky gun. I always rack off the forward slide serrations but they are too slippery to use. After my thumb slipped off the forward serrations and into the ejection port and the slide slammed full force into my thumb, I have an irrational anger for this pistol. All of that and I realized I shoot my glock twice as well for half the price.
I have a few boxes of FN's blue tip ammo that I'll throw in for $0.50 a round.
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