TEXT 281-301-5270 if interested. Pickup is going to be at my place in 77075 zip code which is Pearland Parkway and the tollroad.
This is a rare package!! HK 26.5mm RakPist78 flare gun WITH 100 flares!! oh, and this has the 12ga ADAPTER for it as well which allows modern 12ga flares to be used!!! This is NOT the cheap AC UNITY Knock off, this is a Heckler & Koch!!
Lets look at the breakdown:
The gun with bag, cleaning tool and RARE 12ga adapter runs 450.00-500.00
Red Rain Flares run 64.95/box and you get two boxes 130.00
Green single ball, hard to find, they run 75.00/box and you get two boxes 150.00
heck, lets just say since the market on the flares are averaging $6 each times 100 = 600.00 value.
So we are looking at a retail value of $1050.00-1100.00
I will let it ALL go for $575.00
Listing ID:2945988