12ga Estate Cartridge: 96rds 2 3/4 00 buckshot loose rounds in ammo can. 3rds of 2 3/4: 6, 7 1/2, 8 shot. 3 additional Imperial 3" rounds 2 shot. 102 rounds total + ammo can. ALL for $.78 per round) Equivalent to *19.2 boxes of 5 rounds each.* Excellent ammunition. Meet at Brookshire's at corner of hwy 155 South & CR344. Flint address. Downsizing, selling all of my 12ga.(this is the last) Also, selling all of my vintage 22lr ammo - Winchester, Peters, CCI Blazer, American Eagle ----$.78 per round on the 96 rds (other 6 rds included with ammo can) here this is a great buy!) See last photo of retail listing equaling $1.60rd without including taxes this listing at $.78/rd!