Looking to sell or trade an Eagle Industries Place carrier (size Lg and two Guard Dog steel plates with anti-spalling and trauma pads. also has two rifle mag pouches and two pistol mag pouches. asking $250.00..would trade for a tactical style shotgun or a small pistol such as a Beretta APX-1 carry.
From the Guard Dog website "Guard Dog Body Armor’s Level III+ steel plates are constructed from certified steel, meeting NIJ standards. Each plate is shooters cut with rounded edges and features a built-up spray coating. The 10”x12” plates are lined with up t0 60mil thickness of coating with a 1750 psi tensile strength for anti-spalling. It is impossible to guarantee 100% anti spalling, but these plates will give you a significant advantage! Weight per plate is 8.5lbs +/- .15lbs before coating. Tested to exceed NIJ Level 3 standards by stopping M855 rounds at 50′ tested by the United States National Testing System. This protection package also comes standard with front and backplate sleeves, consisting of trauma pads and anti-spall layers. This sleeve is unique in its design as it is constructed in one piece to capture the spalling effect from projectiles if a projectile hits the enclosed steel armor plate. These sleeves provide the wearer multi-level protection all in one convenient and lightweight package. These sleeves are constructed of 5 layers of Kevlar with a 10mm thick trauma pad enclosed with 1000D Polyester fabric, making it one of the toughest sleeves on the market!"
Text ok 214-7three3-three6five4
more pics on request
Listing ID:3038530