Located near Royse City. Travel to Richardson near daily.
Savage F-Class that I set up for prairie dog and coyote hunting. Aluminum bedded HS Precision stock. It is a right-hand bolt, left-hand feed and eject. 26" 1-12" twist. Fewer than 300 rounds down the barrel. I moved after I got it and don't get to hunt with it much any more. Trigger is adjustable down to 6 ounces.
I shot 55gr Sierra Game King handloads through it exclusively until I forgot to grab extra ammo on a recent range trip with my son and had to buy a box of Hornady factory 55gr VMax ammo to shoot it. I just thought the SGK shot well. The 10 shot SGK includes a cold bore shot. The 5 shot VMax group was shot after the rifle warmed up.
Since I have a second rifle with a 1-9 twist that shoots almost as well but can also handle heavier bullets, I'm going to let this one go to fund other projects or to just see what's out there.
Scope is an inexpensive Explore brand illuminated reticle 6-24x, but I love it on this rifle.
$1400 or trade for:
Faster twist (1-8" twist or faster) 22-250
Precision .308 bolt gun (1-10" twist or faster)
Precision AR15 platform 5.56 / 223 Wylde 1-7" twist.
Higher end mid-grade optic 3-18-ish magnification. Maybe 5-25 or 7-35
Open to other trades. (No electronics or hunting dogs.)
Listing ID:3017452