usfa zip .22, rare options including pocket clip and "zip mag zx-30".
Still in box. It has been fired, but not much.
I've gotten more "what do you value it at" messages than i can count on one hand, so i'll simply things: i don't want to sell it, i want to trade it for something i will use. If you are wondering what they are worth, it seems to be arbitrary: there's one on here for $600, they start at $400 and go up from there on GunBroker, and the interwebs says they're not worth a plug nickel.
Wanting to trade.
I like:
Semi auto hd / tactical shotguns (12 gauge) (doesn't have to be fancy, citadel, g force, linberta, etc. 18-20" barrel and semi auto. Benelli clone a plus. )
Tokarev pistols (self explanatory.)
Glocks (self explanatory)
Snub nose revolvers (can be anything from an eaa windicator, rossi, charter, Taurus, smith, ruger, i care not: 2-3" barrel in .380, 9mm, or .38/.357. .44 spl even.)
Nice derringers (bond arms, american derringer corp, btj, etc)
1911's (tisas, ria, charles daily, etc. -not that i would turn down a kimber- but govt model compatible 1911 in .45 acp)
And before someone asks "how is it worth my glock if you will take a taurus model 85 for it?" My answer is simply this: it's worth exactly what you are willing to give that i will accept for it.
Simple enough?
It's gonna be one more thing that sits here and does exactly nothing if i keep it. I'd rather trade it for something i will use.
You must be over 21 with valid Texas id, no exceptions.
Will meet as far east as the eagles nest truck stop at brock junction on i-20.
I won't text. Texting will not get a deal done.
CALL 940.346.9494 anytime between 11am-11pm. CALLS ONLY, PLEASE.
*Get it before Friday if you want it.
Listing ID:3040227