With approximate cost I paid for them and kinda in order of the picture:
Size L Battle Dress Uniform with Pads. Pants/Shirt -- 80
Angled Foregrip - 15
Vastfire 350 Tactical Hunting Light (Green) - 45
Fab Defense PDC Railed AK47 Dust Cover - 245
Burris PEPR 30mm Cantilever Scope Mount - 79
Bipod - 20
AK Side Rail Picatiny Mount - 50
Caldwell Brass Rail Mounted Brass Catcher - 30
East German Canteen - 10
Enigma Password / Encryption Bracelet - 15
Bob of Web Gear and Ammo Pouches - 50
Single Strap Range Bag Backpack - 35
Wolf Tactical Pistol Belt - 30
Advance Tech Fiberforce 10/22 Stock - 65
Shooting Stick - 30
Bob Allen Tactical Shooting Mat - 65
UPDATED: Adding Monstrum G3 3-18x50 First Focal Plane FFP Rifle Scope with Illuminated MOA Reticle and Parallax Adjustment in FDE - 250
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KHXDBRZ/ref=p px_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
That is 1009 Dollars worth of cool tactical crap!!! All yours for 400 bucks.
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