See sellers other listings; Bought this rifle new from Cabelas for a family member to hunt with this year they were called back to work out of state before they could even use it. I have a lot of Hi-End rifles Remington 40X Sako Christensen Arms and others, even though they cost over $2000, they don’t out shoot most all, very moderate priced Savage 110 action rifles for this reason I have no problem taking them into the field to hunt with, the cold wet weather never affects the stocks as they do the wood stocks changing the bullit impact if it gets bumped or scratches from the brush it’s all OK I have two other identical rifles as this one that have taken down many Deer Feral Hogs Turkey and predators, both rifles shoot Sub MOA 3 shots center Bulls you can cover with a nickel rifle was purchased from Cabelas as were the others have every thing it came with from the factory can extend or shorten the stock to fit anyone 3-9 new Vortex unlimited life time replacement warranty scope caps and very nice shoulder strap complete hunting rig set up also have the factory new Savage box it came in if you want it comes in a new soft case with one extra all metal 4 round magazine two total these rifles shoot the Academy Federal Blue box 100gr soft point ammo just crazy accurate——-$700—— 210-305-6450