Got a P320 package sorta deal for sale. Includes a P320 Carry sized pistol with an AXG grip, threaded barrel, suppressor height sights, and Romeo1 optic. Also comes with a Compact X Series grip module that's stippled, 4 21 round magazines, and 2 15 round magazines, as well as the original case it came in. I'm asking $1000 OBO. Only trades I'll really entertain ar3 a PSA JAKL in 5.56 or a carry sized 2011 type pistol (i.e. Staccato C2 or C, Alpha Foxtrot S15, etc).
I also have a Safariland RDS duty holster ($100) and a TLR 1 HL ($100) I'd be willing to part with in conjunction with this.
Hit me up! 7six040258eight9