Experior Doublestack 9mm,commander length, flush cut/reverse crowned match barrel (4.25") slide, $3,400 with comp=4.85", 2mags 18-15, WC range bag target paperwork ect.,traditional 1911 slide on DS frame, ultralite match trigger, BP safety, BP safety lever, gold bead front site, slide top-rear serrated 30lp for glare reduction, Wilson tactical u notch rear site, ball end mill cuts, SS Wilson carry comp for 3,400 flush cut reverse crown only for 3,200. Guaranteed 1in@ 25yds with good ammo, trigger is right 2#12oz, Test fired 10rds when I got it, hasn't been used since. No trades unless high end 2011 with ambi safety + cash on your or my end depending on what it is.3,200 firm or 3,400 w carry comp. not in a hurry to sell. paid 4,765.00 my asking price is very fair for a lnib Experior w above options, they are also pretty hard to get now. Text for info if the add is up and not marked sold, It is still available 2549seven8049six. Would entertain scenarios 2011 type where must have ambi safety other Wilson doublestack in 5in. Or Atlas, Nighthawk, Alchemy tricked out Staccato ect. can meet in Burleson, Waco, or anywhere in between.